November 10, 2007

medieval times

Medieval Times field trip- the bus ride, the entrance, the dinner show. They gave us vegetable soup, garlic bread, a chicken, half a potato, a rib, a cookie and 2 rounds of (very medieval) Pepsi. The show was pretty well rehearsed, I was a little quiet during it though and at one point felt sorry for all the animals having to perform but they seem to treat them well.

It would be neat to go back sometime but tickets are pretty expensive, I think around $47.50 for adults depending on which "castle".


  1. Wow, that looks fun! We have a Medieval Times in Toronto, but I’ve never been. I should go!

    I hope they had a vegetarian alternative for you.

    But, um, what did you learn on this “field trip”? :-p

  2. Ooh, yeah I was looking on the napkin and it said they had one in Toronto, I think I'm the only one who actually took their napkin and paper place mat lol.

    I think they may have some kind of ravioli alternative (I was looking online last night) but I didn't ask the waiter in time :/

    I learned that travel was hard back in the 11th century and they used to have battles and the color purple is a sign of royalty and about how dinner shows work lmao but it was a nice trip.

    I felt sorry for the horses but I was reading and it looks like they take nice care of them and they have their own ranch for each Medieval Times.

    Ahh, very long comment response! Thanks for watching Michael :n

  3. That looked awesome. Our school doesn't take field trips. I don't know what there would be to see if we did. ha.

  4. great video edit of your trip. Your waiter (serf) is a friend of mine. He used to be a knight! LOL.

    The castle is fun and the atlanta castle looks amazing.

    If you liked it, they're performing a brand new show now at most castles. I liked this show, but the new one is amazing!!
